A student-led initiative from the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, University of Kent

Curated by Anna-Nadine Pike
Introduction here - particular focus on reading lists for queer theory in medieval studies, and perceptions of race in Middle English literature.
If you are looking for further reading recommendations, join our literature research forum.

A ‘Queer Medieval’ reading list (Jeanne de Montbaston) Compiled as part of the Reading Medieval Books blog, this resource list focuses on primary medieval texts which feature representations of gender and sexuality, together with critical materials for discussion.
Julian of Norwich's Showing of Love: Texts and Contexts Umilta compiles interactive bibliographies for texts pertinent to studies of Julian’s mysticism, including Julian of Norwich herself, St Bridget of Sweden, St Catherine of Siena, The Cloud of Unknowing, the Ancrene Riwle and Katherine Group, and contexts including the Bridgettine Syon Abbey, the English Benedictine nuns, and the preacher Adam Easton.
Race 101 for Early Medieval Studies An ongoing bibliography compiled by Dr. Erik Wade and Dr. M. Rambaran-Olm for the teaching and study of medieval perceptions and depictions of race, with a particular focus on early literature. The resource also contains a separate list of studies by foundational Critical Race scholars.
Race and Ethnicity: Saracens and Jews in Middle English Literature An annotated bibliography for studying the representations of racial difference in medieval English literature, with particular emphasis on primary materials within the Breton lays and romance tradition, as well as issues of race in the poetry of Chaucer and Gower.
Race and Medieval Studies: A partial bibliography (2017) Compiled by Jonathan Hsy and Julie Orlemanski, and published in postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies, this bibliography emerged out of a collaborative, crowd-sourced project, seeking to increase the visibility of scholarship surrounding issues of race in medieval studies by POC, ethnic and religious minority medievalists. The bibliography is divided between academic publications and blog posts or journalism. Read Hsy’s post about the inclusion of minority voices within medieval scholarship here.
Race, Racism and the Middle Ages Online access to a special edition of The Public Medievalist from 2017, comprising over forty articles engaging critically with topical debates, issues of representation, and re-evaluations of terminology taking place within present-day medieval studies. This edition is divided into sections, the first considering how representation of the ‘Middle Ages’ impacts contemporary racial politics, and the second focusing on Jewish studies, with a closing article on the representation of ‘the medieval’ in historical African-American art and writing.
Teaching a Global Middle Ages A valuable compilation of ongoing projects, bibliographies, exhibition details and reading recommendations from the International Centre of Medieval Art (ICMA), intended to aid the diversification of medieval studies to include global perspectives of race, identity and cultural exchange. Note in particular the critical bibliography categorised by location - although many of the listed works may be print-only, we encourage you to request specific resources in the MEMSlib forum here.

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Page edited by Anna-Nadine Pike
With contributions from Dr Edward Roberts (MEMS), Dr Robert Gallagher (MEMS),
Dr Ryan Perry (MEMS) and Dr Daniel Smith (Kings College London)
Resource page updated by Anna-Nadine Pike - last updated 11/12/21