A student-led initiative from the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, University of Kent
Forum Guidelines
Please use this space to request specific items which you are seeking as part of your research. We ask that you make your request as detailed as possible (journal name, year published, individual pages sought, etc). It may also be useful to include your own location as a user, in case materials can be loaned directly, following the current social distancing guidelines.
When replying to users’ posts, please indicate whether you are able to help with their request, but do not upload materials directly to this forum. In your reply, we ask that you provide your own email address or preferred contact details, and communicate directly with the original poster. This will allow the forum to remain as accessible and up-to-date as possible.
Please keep requests for general reading recommendations to a minimum in order to maintain the forum’s clarity and efficiency, although we encourage these conversations to develop out of direct correspondence between users! If you are browsing for useful online materials, please see our subject-specific resource pages.
Please ensure that you follow copyright restrictions and fair-dealing allowances when sharing materials, as this will differ from one country to another. In the UK, a book may be scanned if it is out of copyright, authors may share their own versions of material at their discretion, and the scanning or photocopying of short book or journal extracts is permitted. We ask that all sharing of research materials take place between users, via direct correspondences, and users remain individually responsible for adherence to their own country’s copyright laws.
This is a co-operative space, designed to help all those within MEMS communities with ongoing research through the collaborative sharing of resources and subject knowledge. This forum will be moderated by the MEMSlib team, whose details can be found on our ‘About’ page. If you would like to see anything added or removed from this site, either in this forum or within our resource pages, please contact a member of our team.
The Simple Rules
Please be
No spamming on
the forums
No offensive content
Admin decisions
are final
No advertising on the forums